There’s No Sugar Coating This

by Andrew Crichton

When it comes to the online security of your business there can be no sugar coating the obvious, your company is at risk. And the level of risk is high!

Businesses existing in the modern realm of a cloud-based or connected office face danger every second of the day. This danger setms from a growing community of online criminals. Knowing how to secure your yourself against these individuals starts with understanding the value that lies within your business. And nothing is more valuable than your company’s online information systems.

Online criminals, commonly referred to as hackers, are constantly on the lookout for vulnerabilities within database administrations, which hold sensitive information. Obtaining that information is a means to securing leverage in the hope of exchanging access for assets or payments. Whilst both security companies and online policing units alike spend countless hours tracking and arresting these criminals, protecting your business information is regarded as vitally important for the success and survival of any company. The key is being proactive!

So, how do you secure your business against online criminals and other risks?

This is the topic addressed by the monthly Risk Series Breakfast events hosted by insurance and risk experts, Econorisk.

Designed to help you better secure your business, our events take place in an informal setting, where business owners and managers have the opportunity to speak directly to leading industry experts such as iTOO and Clyde & Co. Join us as they unpack the realities of the threats facing South African businesses on a daily basis.

The next #riskseriesAugust_Fraud&Theft takes place on Wednesday 02 August 2017 at CCJ Woodmead, Sandton. With seats already fully booked, it’s clear to see that decison-makers in South Africa are, more than ever, looking for ways in which to tackle the issue head on. Contact Econorisk today in order to find out how we can assist you today!

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