When any incident occurs (large or small), please notify the Econorisk claims team timeously so they can register the claim and notify the insurers.
Each policy has a time limit within which to notify the Insurers of a claim. This is usually within 30 days, but for select claims i.e., motor theft/hijacking claims, the time frame is often much less, sometimes within 24 hours of the event occurring.
You can download the Econorisk claim forms from our website, or complete your claim form online – www.econorisk.co.za/claim-forms/
It is advisable to opt for car hire as part of your selected cover.
Should your vehicle still be driveable, it is recommended that you first wait for the panel beater who has been authorised to repair your vehicle, to order and confirm that all required parts have been received, before booking your vehicle in for repairs to commence.
This will allow for repairs to be completed before your elected car hire days run out.
It is also recommended that you consider increasing the number of car-hire days offered to the maximum number of days, 60 days.
In addition, it is advisable to select the car group you would like to be provided with, in the event of a claim.
Please speak to your Account Executive to find out more in this regard.
It is important to note that should you be the responsible party causing any damage or injury to a third party (motor or personal liability) you should not admit liability, make any offer or promise of settlement, nor pay any money to any third party, as this will result in your insurer not dealing with the claim, leaving you exposed to attend to and pay the full claim amount.
You may inform the third party that you do have insurance that covers incidents of this nature, and you will report the claim to your insurers who will deal with the third-party claim made against you, on your behalf.
In these instances, always obtain and provide full third-party details:
- Name, Surname, ID Number, Telephone Number, Address, Vehicle Make, Model and Registration Number (if caused whilst they are driving a vehicle)
If you are not a private individual, provide the name and full details of your company or employer.
Take photographs showing how the damages occurred.
If anyone witnessed the event, please ask them for their full contact details and if they will confirm the sequence of events to your insurers should it be required at the stage of recovery, to corroborate your version of events confirmed on the completed claim form you will submit.
Should any vehicle you own have any extras fitted that will increase the value of your vehicle, whether it be by the manufacturer or after-market extras, please provide your Account Executive with full details and values of these, so it can be noted on your policy schedule.
Should you suffer a total loss, you will be indemnified and paid out for these items.
Examples of these include; bull bars, tow bars, smash & grab, leather seats, wrapping etc.
Should you be involved in a serious motor accident, which renders your vehicle undriveable, please contact the insurer’s call centre to arrange for your vehicle to be towed to a place of safety.
Should you authorise any towing operator which is not on the approved panel and the costs of towing, storage and release fees exceed the limit noted in the insurer’s policy schedule, you will be responsible to pay the difference over and above what the insurers have limited their liability to.

Where possible, retain the invoices and/or boxes for high-value items purchased, especially jewellery and cell phones.
These will serve two very important purposes at claims stage should you suffer a loss for any or all of these items.
- It will confirm proof of ownership and insurable interest.
- It will provide your insurers with full specifications of the lost or stolen item, so they can ensure that when they authorise replacement of the said item/s, they will be for the exact same specifications of the item/s you had before the loss occurred. For commercial and corporate clients, an extract from your assets register will suffice.

Should any claim occur while you are importing or exporting any items or goods, please ensure that you always place the shipping line or port (if the loss occurred at the port) on notice, thus holding them responsible for the damages and costs associated therewith.
You should note that you are investigating and calculating the loss and will inform them of the cost once your investigations and calculations have been completed.

Should you suffer a burst geyser, it is recommended that you contact the insurer’s 24-hour emergency call centre for assistance to avoid your claim from being limited to a certain amount dependent on the size and type of geyser you may have.

Should you at any stage install any solar panels, including a solar geyser, please inform your Account Executive of this and provide them with the invoice which will detail the type, number of panels, inverters, batteries etc. with the total cost. This can then be noted on your policy to provide cover in the event of you suffering any loss or damage to these items.
It is important to carry out regular maintenance on your property by a reputable contractor who provides guarantees.
- i.e. waterproofing of your roof, rising damp, structural cracks on insured buildings, tree felling (if roots of a tree in your yard are starting to cause any wall to crack or move, including near your swimming pool) etc.
At Econorisk, we take pride in contracting with suppliers who are professional and as dedicated as we are when it comes to delivering a consistent service experience. If you have any queries regarding an insurance claim, please contact the Econorisk claims team.